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Legend (Soil/Soils_GSG_SoilTypes_EDP)

Labels (0)
Boundaries (1)
Areas (2)
Acid Peats (ACP) Acid Peats (ACP)
Alluvial Soils - light sandy textured (Al) Alluvial Soils - light sandy textured (Al)
Alluvial Soils - medium to heavy textured (Amh) Alluvial Soils - medium to heavy textured (Amh)
Alpine Humus Soils (AHS) Alpine Humus Soils (AHS)
Black Earths (BE) Black Earths (BE)
Brown Earths (BRE) Brown Earths (BRE)
Brown Podzolic Soils (BP) Brown Podzolic Soils (BP)
Calcareous Red Earths (KRE) Calcareous Red Earths (KRE)
Calcareous Sands (KS) Calcareous Sands (KS)
Chernozems (CH) Chernozems (CH)
Chocolate Soils (C) Chocolate Soils (C)
Desert Loams (DL) Desert Loams (DL)
Earthy Sands (ES) Earthy Sands (ES)
Euchrozems (E) Euchrozems (E)
Gleyed Podzolic Soils (GP) Gleyed Podzolic Soils (GP)
Grey, Brown and Red Clays (GC_BC_RC) Grey, Brown and Red Clays (GC_BC_RC)
Grey, Brown and Red Clays - good surface condition (GCgs_BCgs_RCgs) Grey, Brown and Red Clays - good surface condition (GCgs_BCgs_RCgs)
Grey-brown Podzolic Soils (GBP) Grey-brown Podzolic Soils (GBP)
Grey-brown and Red Calcareous Soils (GBK_RK) Grey-brown and Red Calcareous Soils (GBK_RK)
Humic Gleys (HG) Humic Gleys (HG)
Humus Podzols (HP) Humus Podzols (HP)
Krasnozems (K) Krasnozems (K)
Lateritic Podzolic Soils (LP) Lateritic Podzolic Soils (LP)
Lithosols (L) Lithosols (L)
Neutral to Alkaline Peats (NP_AP) Neutral to Alkaline Peats (NP_AP)
No Suitable Group (NSG) No Suitable Group (NSG)
Non-calcic Brown Soils (NKB) Non-calcic Brown Soils (NKB)
Peaty Podzols (PP) Peaty Podzols (PP)
Podzols (P) Podzols (P)
Prairie Soils (PS) Prairie Soils (PS)
Red Earths - less fertile (REl) Red Earths - less fertile (REl)
Red Earths - more fertile (REm) Red Earths - more fertile (REm)
Red Podzolic Soils - less fertile (RPl) Red Podzolic Soils - less fertile (RPl)
Red Podzolic Soils - more fertile (RPm) Red Podzolic Soils - more fertile (RPm)
Red and Brown Hardpan Soils (RBH) Red and Brown Hardpan Soils (RBH)
Red-brown Earths (RBE) Red-brown Earths (RBE)
Rendzinas (R) Rendzinas (R)
Siliceous Sands (SS) Siliceous Sands (SS)
Solodic Soils (SC) Solodic Soils (SC)
Solodized Solonetz (SDS) Solodized Solonetz (SDS)
Solonchaks (SK) Solonchaks (SK)
Solonized Brown Soils (SB) Solonized Brown Soils (SB)
Soloths (SH) Soloths (SH)
Terra Rossa Soils (TR) Terra Rossa Soils (TR)
Weisenbodens (W) Weisenbodens (W)
Xanthozems (X) Xanthozems (X)
Yellow Earths (YE) Yellow Earths (YE)
Yellow Podzolic Soils - less fertile (YPl) Yellow Podzolic Soils - less fertile (YPl)
Yellow Podzolic Soils - more fertile (YPm) Yellow Podzolic Soils - more fertile (YPm)
Not assessed Not assessed
Water Water